
Sigma 30mm F1 4 Dc Hsm Art Pentax Astrophotography


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Lens Review Date: April 26, 2021 I tin can recommend this lens: No | Toll: $265.00 | Rating:7

Pros: Fast in aperture, fast to focus
Cons: Beaten in image quality past the Hard disk drive 35mm F2.8 Express
Sharpness: 7 Aberrations: 7 Autofocus: 9 Handling: nine Value: half dozen New or Used: Used Camera Used: KP

(Sold in spring 2018, so this isn't based on the about contempo feel).

Focus throw: ~100 degrees

Broad open, I'd rate the central sharpness equally 6/x. This rises to 8/10 at f/2.8 and doesn't improve with further stopping downward. The edges come up shut at f/5.six and beyond.

Overall image sharpness deteriorates to 7/10 by f/11.

It'south a step above a wide-normal zoom, but the 35 Limited is a stride upwardly once more and that lens has virtually no CA.

- CA at all apertures
- Vignettes until f/2.eight
- Balmy yellow color-cast when comparing aforementioned subject with different lens

CA is noticeable wide open, improving to pocket-size at f/2.8 and it stays at that level through the narrower apertures. I'd say it's equal parts green and purple.

Obviously more noticeable with some subjects rather than others, the colour-cast tin be discerned when reviewing pictures after irresolute lenses, but could be mitigated past adjusting the Custom Image settings away from yellow. I more often than not use the Bright setting, which is probably the worst for this.

Wide open up shooting is not my style.

First-class. Information technology may exist broad, but information technology's comfortable for the left paw to support it and the camera. It may be dense, but its stubbiness doesn't shift the centre of gravity much: the combination is still manoeuvrable.

It's broad and has a focus throw of around 100 degrees - transmission focus is no problem.

The lens hood is reasonable, but when reversed there is a gap between it and the lens body. A flower/petal blueprint would be more than compact, at the cost of protuding more forwards when mounted. I don't recall if I used whatsoever filters or what vignetting they might cause, merely the lens hood permits expert admission.

I had no issues with focusing - the HSM motor is quick and repose. Remember to configure the AF Fine Adapt setting on your camera.

No. Unless you absolutely need precisely this focal length or f/1.iv aperture. The Pentax (Hd) 35mm F2.8 Express is a better lens.

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Lens Review Date: November 30, 2020 I tin recommend this lens: Yes | Price: $200.00 | Rating:x

Pros: sharpness, bokeh, low discontinuity
Cons: none
Sharpness: 10 Aberrations: 8 Bokeh: 10 Autofocus: 8 Handling: 10 Value: ten New or Used: Used Photographic camera Used: Chiliad-3 II

I am not a fan of shooting with widest aperture possible on whatsoever lenses. I just dont similar those pictures and i have a headache of it. : ) I tend to stop down ane or two steps all the time, and and then i feel the mixture of sharp objects and blurry objects are becoming in sweet remainder. Therefore i dont have Whatever bug with this lense at all. Because all negative aspects disappear with F2, even the aberations are gone.
My piece is very well performing the autofocus. So the other reviewers, who feel it is a weak point, must take a dying motor inside, or the lense is asking for calibration. Although, i rate information technology with eight out of 10, considering at slightly lower calorie-free conditions, when i instantly put this lense on the body, the performance is not that bang-up. Merely information technology is rather my mistake that i try to have pictures in the basement : ))

Mayyybe ane small negative, it is a picayune heavier than i had expected. But anyhow, when it kickoff came to my hands i could immediately feel the quality and its perfect design. It is not simply good working, but besides hell of a good looking lense!

Cute and extremely good lense which i tin recommend highly. Get information technology when you have risk.

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Lens Review Date: Baronial three, 2020 I can recommend this lens: Yes | Price: $500.00 | Rating:9

Pros: Sharp, compact, and affordable
Cons: No weather-sealing.

Hello all,

Sorry about barging in, every bit I rarely use my Pentax gear nowadays (got one camera and one lens, just as my wife does). Just I got this lens!

I got this lens a few years dorsum, and information technology is one that impresses me a lot, in DX format (or smaller).

Information technology tin be used on FX bodies, but you demand to crop the farthermost corners of your image, every bit the vignetting is a bit extreme, and the sharpness isn't the best there. A simple 16:nine takes care of the effect and and then you merely need a slight adjustment of the vignetting, if any at all.

I employ it on all my cameras (except the Pentax K-x), from i" to FX cameras, with no regrets at all, for all kinds of jobs, just generally close-upward.

Even better for close-ups if you add a close-upward filter, like the Canon 250D (58mm size) + a 62-58mm pace-downwards band.

Delightful lens, pocket-size and compact, what more do yous demand.

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Lens Review Date: July 7, 2019 I can recommend this lens: Aye | Price: $500.00 | Rating:10

Pros: IQ, Contrast, Precipitous
Cons: Focusing is keen simply not perfect
Sharpness: 10 Aberrations: 10 Bokeh: ten Autofocus: 10 Handling: ten Value: x New or Used: Used Camera Used: Pentax Thousand-70

It is practiced value for money. The focusing is non the all-time, but not besides the worst. The prototype quality is amazing. I like this lens very much!

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Lens Review Date: May 7, 2019 I can recommend this lens: Yeah | Price: $320.00 | Rating:9

Pros: Sharp and wonderful bokeh
Cons: Adjustments are required to obtain contrast
Sharpness: ix Aberrations: eight Bokeh: ten Autofocus: viii Treatment: 8 Value: nine New or Used: New Photographic camera Used: Chiliad-3 II

I love this Bokeh Chief!!
This lens should be used manually.The reason is considering you can enjoy it.
F1.4 1/2000 ISO100
F1.8 1/25 ISO100

F1.4 1/6400 ISO100

F1.iv 1/2000 ISO100

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Lens Review Date: November 30, 2018 I tin can recommend this lens: No | Toll: $500.00 | Rating:6

Pros: Sharpness in the center
Cons: Chromatic aberrations, Regal fringing, Distortion, Flat rendering
Sharpness: 9 Aberrations: two Bokeh: vii Autofocus: 8 Handling: vii Value: v New or Used: New Camera Used: Pentax k500

Howdy! I have used this lens about x months and I've sold it for my first limited, 31 of course! I won't make a comparison with 31, just my observations. The lens it'due south sharp no problem with that, autofocus was good with betoken focus... But, there are likewise many buts... The beginning one information technology's chromatic aberrations and purple fringing, they are coming together! Let's come across: Crop left: Ingather right: This prototype was shot at f5.half-dozen merely I can tell you that fifty-fifty at f11 all the same could observe aberrations! Let's see a wintertime shot: Left crop: Equally yous can see, bad CA... Let's look at the bokeh: And correct crop: When y'all have washed with those troubles you have to deal with distortion: For me, not an acceptable distortion. Well, when you have washed with that you got to pp colors, contrast an other things, considering to my eyes the rendering it'southward rather flat in comparing with what pentax lenses tin deliver. Conclusion: This surely ain't an art lens and should not considered as one. It' s amend than the previous Sigma only not at the bokeh chapter, it'southward got good sharpness merely also many caveats, which I tin can't accept!

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Lens Review Appointment: November 21, 2018 I tin recommend this lens: Yes | Cost: $500.00 | Rating:9

Pros: Abrupt, Attractive nonetheless Sturdy, Smooth Bokeh, Compact, Versatile
Cons: Low Dissimilarity Wide Open, Dodgy AF, Heavy for its Size
Sharpness: 10 Aberrations: 8 Bokeh: 10 Autofocus: 5 Treatment: 9 Value: 9 New or Used: New Photographic camera Used: Yard-70, K-3 II

I purchased this lens in hopes of finding a reliable low light prime that I could apply for a bunch of unlike applications. The 35mm version of this lens was out of my upkeep. I do a lot of indoor concert work and then having something like this was important. Despite the prolific (and true) statements nearly the AF, I decided to give it a go anyhow. Very happy I did.

About the AF: Yes, information technology's bad. It'due south the only lens in my kit that I never use all the AF points on my camera with. It's just too unreliable in those regards. It doesn't hunt as much in good calorie-free but it is non accurate enough; especially for something that is advertised equally a premium lens. I utilise this lens in a very challenging lighting situations and have pushed it to its limits. In dynamic, strobe lighting, I almost always go Manual. Tough lighting situations will confuse the AF and cause it to chase for long periods of time. In other situations, I only use a single AF point and adjust on the fly. This may be more work than others desire to do. I didn't mind and the event of doing this on my Chiliad-70 resulted in much greater consistency. I used this lens on the M-3 II and I had way more than trouble nailing a adept shot. I suspect the K-lxx being more mod affects its relationship with this lens in a positive way. Either way, I tin can't mutter. This lens has produced some of my best piece of work. I can't utilize all of the AF points on the camera reliably like I can my Sigma 17-70 for example but the image quality and how versatile it is makes up for it my opinion.

It'south a wonderful lens only permit downward by its dodgy AF; which can be worked effectually. Just the fact that I have to is why I requite it a 9 and non a x. I'd really give it a viii.5 simply I think information technology'south closer to 9 than a eight. If you can deal with that, y'all'll be taking some gorgeous photos.

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Lens Review Appointment: May 26, 2017 I can recommend this lens: No | Cost: $400.00 | Rating:five

Pros: Versatile focal length and aperture, decent IQ
Cons: Pants-on-head-retarded AF, purple fringing
Sharpness: 8 Aberrations: 6 Bokeh: 8 Autofocus: iii Handling: vii Value: 7 New or Used: New Camera Used: K5II

The sharpness is good, sure, just non worth playing Sigma Autofocus Roulette for.

Doesn't matter how carefully I calibrated the microadjustment, the lens would randomly miss focus completely on maybe 4/10 shots. Skillful light, bad low-cal, BBAF, center point merely, nothing made a difference. i don't mean it was slightly soft or it locked focus on the groundwork etc, I hateful it'd exist a totally unfocused, unusable shot. Tried using it for 1 model shoot and the a commercial job, and immediately sent it dorsum. For �300 this should exist the best damned walkaround lens on the planet, simply Sigma's crappy AF makes information technology impossible to trust.

The detail and rendering is nice fifty-fifty at f1.4, but this comes at the price of pretty severe purple fringing, which seems to get WORSE as you cease down. Bizarre, I tin can only presume Sigma is edifice the Fine art lenses to look good in the all-important MTF charts rather than equally counterbalanced, useful tools.

If, similar me, yous're reading this thinking 'I'll be able to live with the dodgy AF if the paradigm quality is really good' me, you won't. This isn't something you lot tin fix with microadjustment, the USB dock, focusing technique etc, information technology's just inconsistent. By all ways give it a try, but just from a retailer with a decent returns policy.

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Lens Review Engagement: June 15, 2015 I tin can recommend this lens: Yes | Cost: $345.00 | Rating:7

Pros: Sharp, nice designed, quite, comfortable to hold with lens hood attached, affordable, expert in depression light
Cons: bit short for big easily to concord without lenshood, unreliable AF, not weathersealed, heavy
Sharpness: 9 Aberrations: 8 Bokeh: 9 Autofocus: five Handling: 8 Value: eight New or Used: New Photographic camera Used: Chiliad-30

As my first prime lens, i am sort of underwhelmed but nevertheless amazed by it's operation. I was looking for a replacement for the DAL 18-55mm f3.5 kit lens equally light travel compagnion. Well, the Sigma is quite heavy for it'south size Only its extremely well build and definitely looks squeamish on camera. But nonetheless feels like it would counterbalance more than than the K-30's trunk ... "Why would you get a Sigma Art Lense for light travel?" some might ask. Considering I feel high-sounding myself, that's why. And it strengthens your arms!

After a lot of fourth dimension fiddeling around, producing unusable pictures and learning how to work with information technology, information technology produces cute results! Pace downwards to f5,half-dozen and yous can ingather the *�$# out of the pictures. Though a bit of barrel distortion, some vignetting and the colours information technology produces make for some fine, arty looking pictures.

Every bit I said, I purchased it equally walk effectually travel lens. When shooting the streets, you don't scare people with focus noise (the M-30's shutter volition do that for you) and you got that one opportunity to burn down at animals, before they flee. Its 30mm focal length is broad enough for landscapes and where possible, zooming in with your anxiety is ever a fun matter to practice.

And so allow me address my one and only problem what makes this lense quite hateful: The AF. If you use Live View, dissimilarity autofocus volition does its chore perfectly, even at f1.4 and your object some meters away. Well, if yous use the viewfinder, this lens will miss a lot of shots from f1.4 to at to the lowest degree f2.viii. A LOT. Some are precise, some are not.
So it makes you start working on you MF-skills, so i would to some degree recommend the lens for rookies similar me. This time, the machine volition Non practise everything for you lot, oh no. Think for yourself! Desire prefocus? You got the focus-distance-scale on the barrel and anticipate what'due south going on in forepart of the lens. Got lazy considering of super-zooms? Use your feet to get into action.

And one final matter: Information technology feels af if contrast autofocus and phase detection piece of work the aforementioned speed.

Got other primes? No need for this 1. Desire your outset prime number and yous feel, the big "A" on this lens appeals to what you desire to reach with your camera, go for this lense!

Some examples:

EDIT: Downgraded Autofocus (-ane) and overall rating (-1) after a bit more usage.

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Lens Review Appointment: December 5, 2014 I can recommend this lens: Yes | Toll: None indicated | Rating:9

Pros: Broad aperture, doesn't experience inexpensive
Cons: auto-focus hunts and inaccurate
Sharpness: nine Aberrations: 8 Bokeh: x Autofocus: seven Handling: ix Value: ix New or Used: New Photographic camera Used: M-iii

Fantastic lens! Very precipitous wide open (when you manage to get the focus right). Dandy for portraits, low light situations.
I already had an old Pentax A50 f1.4 which was producing soft shots wide open due to diffraction issues. Also, 50mm was getting a bit as well narrow on aps-c. 30mm is just perfect.
The lens is a pleasure to employ, very well synthetic. The motorcar focus definitely has issues, but I call back this kind of lens works best in transmission focus anyways.

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Lens Review Date: May 22, 2014 I can recommend this lens: Aye | Price: $490.00 | Rating:9

Pros: Sharp, HSM focusing, somewhat compact
Cons: Still bigger than I like for Thousand-01, CA wide open up, focusing issues on DSLRs
Sharpness: 9 Aberrations: 8 Bokeh: 10 Autofocus: nine Handling: eight New or Used: New Camera Used: K-01, K-5II, K-thirty, Thousand-r, Grand-x

If you are looking for a fast lens with "standard" Field of View on APS-C and HSM focusing, there aren't a lot of choices, and fifty-fifty fewer that counterbalance less than 500g/1 lb (my limit for employ on a K-01). The Fine art xxx is a very good lens, and can go splendid results, simply you lot need to be aware of its limitations. Broad open, in bright calorie-free or with high-contrast subjects, at that place is chromatic aberration/majestic fringing even in the center. Corners are sharper than the older Sigma EX 30, although still a little soft at broad apertures (and CA adds to that).

Information technology'southward kind of big for a walk around lens and not subtle at all with the hood installed. Information technology is flare resistant plenty to use without the hood even outdoors in bright sunlight.

I can ostend the slow AF/no AF trouble on newer DSLRs, merely information technology simply seems to happen in 11-point/5-signal automobile-select AF mode. Using heart point or select-betoken AF, the lens focuses every bit fast every bit any of my spiral bulldoze lenses. The Chiliad-01 does non take whatever problems with this lens.

Link to my (lengthy) review of the Art 30 in the SLR Lens Word department:

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Lens Review Date: May 22, 2014 I can recommend this lens: Yes | Price: $500.00 | Rating:10

Pros: Great sharpness. Beautiful bokeh.
Cons: goose egg
Sharpness: 10 Aberrations: 9 Bokeh: ten Autofocus: ix Handling: 10 Value: 10 New or Used: New Camera Used: Pentax Thou-3

I am totally impressed by this lens. I rarely had a lens that already so can exist a great sharpness at maximum aperture. With the auto focus and so far I could not detect whatever issues. In contrast to other statements, the autofocus is true for almost images.

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Lens Review Date: April 11, 2014 I can recommend this lens: Yes | Toll: $499.00 | Rating:9

Pros: Very sharp, superb congenital, nice feel, authentic focus
Cons: Min focusing distance longer than spec
Sharpness: 10 Aberrations: viii Bokeh: 10 Autofocus: 8 Handling: 9 Value: ten New or Used: New Camera Used: Pentax thousand-01

I accept been using this lens on my pentax grand-01 for over 3 weeks at present. I don't have any focussing issues per se. I have tried 90% of my shots in very very low light merely to put this through the ringer. It does struggle when focus altitude is under 2 feet. Sometimes I have to become manual to get it to focus very shut. It is possible that the min focusing altitude is more than what the lens spec says. It is very precipitous wide open and superbly congenital. Cute lens. Not sure if this is considering k01 is mirrorless and used only CDAF washed by the camera software. I honey it so far.

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Lens Review Engagement: March 21, 2014 I can recommend this lens: Yes | Price: $500.00 | Rating:9

Pros: very sharp, 1.four, modern colorful, make full the lack ready 30 of Pentax
Cons: Ca from 1.4 - 2 (non important because of Lightroom), HSM very featherbrained
Sharpness: 10 Aberrations: 8 Bokeh: ix Autofocus: 5 Handling: nine Value: viii New or Used: New Photographic camera Used: K3

I need a wide lens with large open Apeture one.4 ( but SMC FA 31 1.8 but too expensive) so I decided to buy the only cheaper lens.... It's Sigma 30 i.4 Fine art.
That's great and exciting more and more.
The Sharpness 's then surprised...i'one thousand very very satisfied...on my K3 (no AA filter)
colour made strong impression on me.
But the AF on lens 'due south very stupid, slower than DA * 55..with my K3, I am trying to notice the fashion to increase the speed and the accurate AF HSM...
Some Pics take from my lens ( max apeture 1.4)


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