
Will My Itunes Podcasts Upload to Apple Podcasts?

Every podcast should be submitted to Apple Podcasts' directory. Dissimilar other platforms (like Spotify, and Google Podcasts) Apple withal requires you to submit your podcast feed manually. You'll need to admission Podcast Connect, and submit your podcast's RSS feed at that place.

Here are the steps for submitting your podcast to Apple Podcasts:

  1. Create an account on Apple Podcast Connect – this is Apple's dashboard for podcasters; you'll submit your RSS feed hither.

  2. Sign up for podcast hosting – you'll need a place to host your audio files and RSS feed.

  3. Publish at least one episode – preferably a podcast trailer!

  4. Fix mutual RSS mistakes – make sure your podcast is configured properly

  5. Add together a new show in Apple Podcast Connect – in one case logged in to Podcasts Connect, click the regal "+" icon, and so select "New show."

  6. Copy & paste your RSS feed URL – you'll paste information technology into Podcast Connect.

  7. Wait for Apple to process your submission – it will take Apple Podcasts five-10 minutes to procedure your details before you can submit it.

  8. Submit your podcast to Apple for review – subsequently clicking "Submit podcast for review" information technology can have upward to 8 days for them to review it before they'll include you in their directory.

  9. Promote your show – inquire people to subscribe, mind, and review on Apple Podcasts.

Video tutorial:

Step i: Create an business relationship on Apple Podcast Connect


To apply Apple'due south Podcast Connect, you'll demand an Apple ID.

It's far meliorate to create a new Apple tree ID that y'all'll use primarily for podcasting. This is specially important if you're creating a podcast for work. This is the account you'll be using to admission Apple tree'south podcast portal (Podcast Connect) and to see Apple tree's podcast analytics.

If you lot create a new Apple ID, make sure y'all verify information technology! You can exercise this by logging into the iTunes Store (on your phone or desktop) before you sign in to Podcasts Connect.

Footstep 2: Get a podcast hosting business relationship

Podcast hosting is similar to website hosting. To host a website, you employ a service like Wix, Squarespace, or WordPress to host your website files.

The same is true for podcasting: to submit a podcast to Apple Podcasts, you'll start need to purchase podcast hosting.


On a podcast host (like Transistor), you'll be able to upload your sound files. You'll as well edit evidence details, add encompass fine art, create episodes, and generate an RSS feed for your podcast. Information technology'due south the RSS feed that you lot'll be submitting to Apple tree.

Step 3: Publish at least i episode

Y'all'll need at to the lowest degree i episode recorded (and uploaded to your podcast host) before y'all submit information technology to the Apple Podcasts directory.

Here's a tutorial for recording, editing, and uploading podcast episodes:

Step 4: Check your show settings

You'll want to make sure your podcast is configured properly. Specifically:

  • Make sure you've chosen at to the lowest degree ane category.

  • Make sure you've uploaded your evidence's artwork. Apple tree requires artwork and recommends an paradigm of 3000x3000 pixels. However, the file size tin't be larger than 512KB.

  • You'll likewise need to take at least 1 episode published for Apple to recognize your feed.

To validate your podcast feed, yous use the Podbase feed validator.

Step 5: Add a new show in Apple Podcast Connect

Once logged in to Podcasts Connect, click the purple "+" icon, and then select "New bear witness."


On the next screen in Podcast Connect, you'll choose "Add a show with an RSS feed."


Step 6: Copy & paste your RSS feed URL into Podcast Connect

Now, you'll demand to log into your podcast hosting account and get your RSS feed URL.

An RSS feed URL looks like this:

If you're using Transistor, you'll find it in the "Distribution" carte for your podcast:


Click the re-create button to copy the RSS feed URL into your clipboard

Now, get back to Apple's Podcast Connect, and paste in your RSS feed URL:


Step seven: Wait for Apple to process your show details

At this indicate, Apple will need to process your RSS feed before yous can actually submit information technology. This unremarkably takes 5-10 minutes.


Refresh this page until information technology says that processing is complete.

Step 8: Submit your podcast to Apple for review

Once your show's details announced, you lot'll also see a new button: click "Submit podcast for review."


If everything looks correct, click "Submit for Review."

Apple manually reviews each podcast submission. In 2022, it can take upwards to eight days for them to review it before they'll include you in their directory.

You only need to submit your RSS feed to Apple once! Once you've been accepted by Apple tree, your episodes will automatically announced in their directory whenever you publish new episodes.

Step 9: Kickoff promoting your show!

In one case Apple tree approves your podcast, y'all tin can share the show with others, and add an Apple Podcast bluecoat on your website.

If you lot're using Transistor for your podcast website, nosotros'll automatically add a "Mind on Apple Podcasts" button to your subscription page:


If you lot want more data about promoting your show, I've written a guide hither.

Why practise I need to submit my podcast to Apple?

Apple'southward podcast directory is important, for iii reasons:

  1. It's featured prominently in the Apple Podcasts app and is shipped with every version of the iPhone (more than 1 billion iPhones are in utilize worldwide).

  2. It'south featured prominently in the desktop version of Apple Podcasts too (not as important, but still significant).

  3. Nearly every podcast directory (Podchaser, Overcast, Pocket Casts, Billow, Castro, Listen Notes ) uses Apple's directory as their "main copy." If your bear witness is on Apple tree Podcasts, it should automatically show upwardly on most of the other directories. (Y'all tin can nevertheless submit your testify manually to other platforms. I explicate how hither).

Quick reminders:

Call back: y'all don't upload your audio files to Apple Podcasts!

You'll demand a podcast hosting company to host your MP3 files, edit your show settings, and generate a valid podcast feed for you lot.

Need help? Transistor customers get priority customer back up. Sign upwards today, and we'll walk you through the whole process.

Published on January 18th, 2022


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